Time is money, when it comes to providing commercial space to businesses. DURABUILD completes your project in a fraction of the time required for concrete construction.  CFS construction is all-weather, involves lighter foundation, and structural installation requires fewer workers.  Roof truss spans, up to 30m, are achievable in CFS, with minimum on-site equipment needed for installation.

Chances of on-site errors in workmanship are minimized due to precision fabrication and due to factory made materials, such as the cement board for cladding. CFS structures are energy-efficient, safe and durable and designed per latest international codes.  CFS and the other materials used are non-combustible and offer the desired fire rating, heat insulation and sound proofing.

CFS is light weight and ideally suited for vertical extensions on roof tops. Being dry construction, there is no mess and no disturbance to the existing users.  High strength-to-weight ratio affords excellent seismic resistance to the light structures.

Whether it is educational, medical or hospitality buildings, our experienced group of architects, structural engineers and field engineers offer you highly professional services to successfully realize your project goals, within time and budget.  With a fabrication capacity of several thousand square feet of covered area per day, DURABUILD can meet clients’ tough deadlines on large projects without delays.